Minneluzahan Senior Citizens Center Logo

Welcome to the Minneluzahan
Senior Citizen Center!

What are people saying about the Center?

laurie conley
laurie conley
Sue Jones
Sue Jones
My first visit there and I was impressed. Very friendly staff. The center has a lot to offer, including medical devices to rent.
They are friendly and appreciate them
Connie Hawk
Connie Hawk
Beverly Ambrose
Beverly Ambrose
Good place to play bridge and have lunch.
Jill Westendorf
Jill Westendorf
Teresa Roelandt
Teresa Roelandt
They were a clean second hand store

About Us

    The Minneluzahan Senior Center is a local non-profit organization that provides social and educational programming for the elderly in the Rapid City area. To become a member, you could fill out the application from the newspaper or come in to fill out an application in person and pay the annual membership fee of $30. So, stop on by and “Enrich your life!”

    The Center is located at 315 North 4th Street in Rapid City, across the street from the Civic Center and next door to the Boys Club. The Center hours are from 8:00am to 3:00pm Monday – Friday.

What’s in a name?
    “Minneluzahan Senior Citizens Center ” is a name hard to spell and pronounce, but equally hard to forget. “M-I-N-N-E-L-U-Z-A-H-A-N” is the Lakota Sioux word for “Rapid Creek” in the spelling given it by the modern Sioux language experts and accepted by the traditional Lakota Member of the Human services advisory board, which was the group who founded and chartered the Minneluzahan Senior Citizens Center in 1975. “Minne” means “water”, as in “Minnesota,” “Minnetonka”, and “Minnehaha.” “Luza” means “swift.” “Han” (the “n” is only half-sounded as in French “pont”) means “continuing” and “good.”
